Showing posts with label NPCs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NPCs. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2012

Humanoid Enemy Quirks

  To spice up encounters with humanoid enemies roll a d20 on this chart once for each group encountered. Apply the result to one random member of the enemy group, the idea is that maybe in a group of 3 bandits maybe one has slightly more armor or one out of 5 goblins is already wounded.. Not every creature needs a complicated backstory but this way some of the rank and file grunts will seem a little more "alive" and unique.

  1. Scared and grizzled- has a few extra hit points.
  2. Wearing superstitious charms- has a slight bonus to save against wisdom related effects.
  3. Extra big and muscled- has a slight bonus to damage.
  4. Is wearing a few extra bits of armor- +1 to AC.
  5. Better stance and technique- has an additional attack.
  6. Craven- will immediately attempt to surrender if takes damage.
  7. Mocking- hurls insults during battle.
  8. Avenger- determine another random member of the enemy group. If that character is slain the enemy with the avenger quirk will attack the killer with a berserk frenzy.
  9. Wealthy- has slightly more coin or treasure than is typical.
  10. Wielding better quality weapon- has slight bonus to hit.
  11. Fearless- has bonus to morale.
  12. Alert- has slight bonus to perception and detection.
  13. Small build- has a few less hit points.
  14.  Attractive- is particularly good looking, handsome/pretty (or at least clean and noble in stature).
  15.  Wearing less armor- -1 to AC.
  16. Fearsome- looks particularly badass.
  17.  Wounded- already has a significant wound, significantly fewer hit points.
  18.  Has an interesting weapon- the weapon is unusual or at least different from others in the group.
  19.  Tattooed- has some prominent tattoos.
  20.  Has a musical instrument- will play it during battle for morale or to try to signal nearby allies. 
 Comments and questions are welcome, or maybe come up with extra entries on the list. Cheers!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Townsfolk Tokens

Here are my NPC and some of the PC tokens, a few of these were made up by players.

Click to bigify